my jammies
Nintendo 3DS
J Rap compilation
(featuring Kreva, Halcali, Rip Slyme, Teriyaki Boyz, M-Flo, Wise, Seamo)
GAMESSo was the 3DS worth the purchase?
Um....I can't recommend running out & buying one just yet.
I was pretty much underwhelmed by the launch titles. Slim pickin's if you ask me.
The title I was really interested in trying, Steel Diver, got some bad reviews so I figure I could wait awhile before giving it a shot.
There are some cool titles dropping in the near future ahem...Kid Icarus, Resident Evil...
I hate to admit this but I've never actually beat Ocarina of Time so I was going to give it a go on the 3DS but Miko loaned me the Gamecube bonus disc version with the Master Quest included on it sooooo, it looks like I'll be saving some coin there.
I was planning on waiting for other titles to drop before picking up a 3DS but after reviewing the monthly budget & after realizing there was an extra paycheck for the month of April I decided to help out Wonton & take his extra 3DS off his hands today.
Now that I had a 3DS I had to at least get
A game to play.
Now SSFIV is a good game & all but it's just I wanted something new, a change of pace if you will, from my recent gaming activity but when it came down to it there just wasn't anything else I was willing to spend my hard earned coin on today other than Ridge Racer. Sigh...
On payday I
may pick up Ghost Recon & PES 2011 but other than that I can't think of anything else that's out right now for the 3DS I'd want to play, hell I may just skip those two altogether to tell you the truth.
I've got a wicked backlog of triple A titles I still need to get through.
All said, just wait a few months if you're considering the purchase. There really isn't much to write home about.
MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Must buy.
Will I spend the coin for the fightstick ultimate whatever edition?
Work sucks.
Japan Nite 2011I love Japan Nite I try to go every year. I hate the fact that the show seems to always be on some weird night of the week ahem...a weekday!
This year it was on a SUNDAY!
I have to get up at an ungodly hour for work & the venue is a 45 minute drive from my house.
I almost didn't go but a buddy of mine already bought me a ticket so I was kinda obligated.
Here's a breakdown of the events:
6:30pm -Leave my house
7:30pm -Get to The Independent
7:30 - 8:15 - drive around San Francisco looking for a parking spot
8:30pm -walk through the front doors of The Independent
I had already missed the opening band but came in just in time to see Hystoic Vein play their set.
I liked them very much, the lead singer was kinda yummers.
I stayed for Zukunasisters' set & had a beer, by that time it was 10:30pm & I decided I better go.
I stayed to see the new lineup of Lolita No.18 play a song then trekked my ass 4 blocks to my car & drove 45 minutes home.
TsunamiI have friends in Tokyo & as my friend Yumiko likes to tell me "Tokyo is your 2nd hometown".
I sure like to think of it that way.
My close friends & family know that I absolutely love Tokyo.
When I heard about the Tsunami & the earthquake my heart sank, thankfully Tokyo escaped relatively unscathed by the tragedy.
I confirmed with all of my friends in Tokyo that they were ok.
My friends & family in Guam & Hawaii gave me the thumbs up too.
Although none of my peeps were directly affected my heart was aching for the victims.
I spent the entire weekend of the tragedy streaming news from Japan & just watched awestruck.
I didn't feel right doing anything fun, playing video games, reading manga -all of it was out the door for that weekend.
I wish there was something more I could do but I think the best thing anyone that give's a damn can do right now is donate, Japan has well qualified people in the trenches working. I think the best thing we can do is just donate $ & give them the resources they need to continue to do their job.
Big ups to Good Life, I swooped up their benefit tee, & also Japan Nite for donating the proceeds from the show to the Red Cross.
I'm exhausted people, gonna bounce like a bad check & try my hand at some Ridge Racer 3D.